Our modus operandi

Our Modus Operandi
Normally we first visit the country in which a client is interested and take up introductions. Where appropriate we make contact at the highest possible level with the government. E-mails go individually to clients and correspondents to ensure privacy. We do not give the names of clients or of our other correspondents to anyone without the permission of those concerned. After reporting we are available to follow up with action where appropriate. Our modest fees vary, being lower for some charities than for most businesses and media. JP Diplomatic Consultancy is currently based in France. Contact should initially be made by e-mail to: dipconsult@hotmail.com. We are usually able to travel at short notice.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Corporate entity - the Supreme Court Decision

Corporate entity - the Supreme Court Decision

By dip consult | January 23, 2010 
This Supreme Court decision is alarming for us in Europe. We had to suffer 8 years of G W Bush gravely damaging the Western position in the world. In most of our countries there are strict rules about financial support for parties and individual candidates. This ruling appears to make the US - the lead democracy - an exception. 

The nightmare for us is Obama - whatever we may think about his effectiveness - losing in 2012 and the Republicans returning backed with unlimited corporate contributions (bribes too?) with an extreme right Congess and another President who is a follower of neo-conservatism. (Even with Mme Palin! Though that seems less likely now).

So, from our point of view it is essential to undo the Supreme Court's ruling by legislation or by constitutional amendment even before this November's Congressional elections (When with this ruling in place the Republicans could end the Democratic majority)

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